Friday, September 6, 2013

My Best Days...and how I find them.

On my BEST days:
I lead a truly inspired life
Everywhere I look I find inspiring words and deeds.
Positive thoughts and ideas circle in my head
at a pace that I cannot, would not stop.
I find encouragement in interactions with family and friends.
I breathe in the music, prose, and poetry that is omnipresent.
I look for ways to encourage others.
My prayers are filled with concerns for people other than myself.
The hot and cold air feel better, not in comfort, but in thanksgiving
The hugs from my wife and kids are energizing.
My patience is such that no wait is too long and no inconvenience seems to matter.
I exude a positive energy that is contagious to everyone I come into contact with
and I am constantly re-energized by the smiling faces I create.

 On ALL of my other days:
I awake to find an imperfect world and it bothers me.
I spend time dragging around problems from years gone by
and from generations past.
My focus is on all that is wrong with my day, my life, my world.
I tend to see the negatives in the people and places I encounter.
I am unimpressed by my life's successes and blessings.
I am unable to focus beyond myself, my wants, my needs,
and my complaints about what this world is not giving me.
I look beyond the smiling, loving people I encounter
to focus on the one grumpy, grouchy person that feeds my down mood.
I do and say whatever comes to my mind,
without regard to the struggles or plight of my fellowman.

BEST days are hidden inside ALL days and it just takes a moment of prayer,
reflection, or grace to find them. I am looking for more BEST days and today I found ONE
and shared it with my family!

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