Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Love Conquers

      I once believed that I really didn’t care if I lived or died

      Then one day I faced the thought of living without you and I saw what death would really be like

      Now I realize, I never wanted that. I always wanted you, but my fear was larger than my courage


     There was once a time when I would let days go by without saying I love you

     Inside, I feared having you know that you were my sun, because I was afraid you might turn off my light

     Then one day it was pitch black and you helped me survive in the dark

     Now I have no fear of you knowing you are my sun, I just want you to shine brightly


     There was a time when I feared your touch

     I literally saw it as a potential addiction that would overwhelm me

     Now that I am fully addicted, I know that not all addictions are bad

     I thank God for my addiction and I pray that we might be blessed with a long life together


     There were days when I stayed in my room and festered over things

     Things I wanted to change and things I had hoped would be different for us both

     Fighting an unspoken battle, with you unaware

     Then an explosion went off and when I came to, you were there comforting me

     Even in your own brokenness, you helped me with your love


    Today I thank God for the individual you are

    Beautiful beyond your own recognition or my imagination

    Waiting for my words of affirmation, fearing my condemnation


   Today I boldly say, you were my gift from that first day, 8.15.1994

   Long before a call, or date, or even a kind word was passed

   A gift I prayed for, but then feared I was not qualified to have


  I tore you down to satisfy my own insecurity. That was not God’s desire for you or me

  I now know that it is okay to build you up and have you tower over me

  Beautiful for the world to see, what I tried to hide inside of me

  Having allowed me to see beyond my confusion…and find greater love

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