Friday, January 10, 2014

A life without music

In his mind was a joyful shout
But his heart and soul were filled with doubt
for no one had ever seen his wings
in words and songs he dared not sing
so instead he lurked about

If only someone, anyone, knew
the prayers he prayed
not to be dismayed
then he could sing from the mountaintop
and his mind of music would never stop

Why ask, he thought, for greater things
when no one seems to care
that my heart writes and rhymes and sings
of higher more majestic things
than my daily life would ever dare

He could show this world great treasure
filled with rhythm, rhyme, and measure
if only people saw beyond his pelt
and found a way to feel the things he felt
the harmony would bring them all great pleasure

Alas, it was not meant to be
Neither melody nor symphony
would ever be heard
not a single word
Instead he learned to live a life of silence

For he was taught a bigger lesson
and learned denial of his blessing
dousing flames that burned within
and training not to sing again
he slid slowly into the permanent night
and lost the battle he dared not fight